“Helping others is perhaps the highest aspiration of the human heart and something we have been entrusted with as a result of a Higher Power working in our lives.
It Works How & Why page 121

If you are interested in being of service on this meeting, here are the requirements for hosting/co hosting:

  • 1 Year minimum clean time

  • Have an NA sponsor

  • Attend NA meetings

  • NA Homegroup

  • Use NA Language & have a working knowledge of the steps/traditions

  • Computer savvy w/laptop, iPad or tablet

  • Must have experience hosting or co hosting on ZOOM

  • Ability to multitask in a fast paced environment

  • Must attend monthly business meeting, (1st Saturday of the month)

  • Willing to be both host/co-host

  • Willing to commit to a slot for at least 3 months

If you meet the requirements, and still want to be of service, please answer the following questions so we can learn a little more about you.
Please Click here to fill out our Online Form

Our Fourth Concept states:

"We do ourselves, our fellowship, and our trusted servants a disservice when we ask our members to perform tasks they are incapable of fulfilling. When we carefully consider the leadership qualities of those we ask to serve, we can confidently give them the room they need to exercise those qualities on our behalf.

Effective leadership is highly valued in NA, and the Fourth Concept speaks of the qualities we should consider when selecting leaders for ourselves. However, we should remember that the fulfillment of many service responsibilities requires nothing more than the willingness to serve. Other responsibilities, while requiring certain specific skills, depend for their fulfillment far more heavily on the trusted servant’s spiritual maturity and personal integrity. Willingness, spiritual depth, and trustworthiness are strong demonstrations of the kind of leadership valued most highly in Narcotics Anonymous."